
I am most inspired by photos that are brimming with emotion. Photos that look like your favourite song lyric, reflecting the feeling on those perfectly imperfect days.

My style is romantic, whimsical, timeless and golden. I want to capture the days you can never get back but treasure the most. There is so much deep beauty in the seemingly ordinary. But really, there is no ordinary. Because when you found him, when you found her, everything changed. Ordinary life transformed into an extraordinary adventure together.

I want to capture that very thing - Wether it be your extravagant once-in-a-lifetime wedding day, relaxed backyard elopement, destination wedding, laid back cafe engagement, adventure in the mountains engagement session, or capturing your bump as a first time mother during your maternity session to bringing that newborn home for their first photoshoot - I want to capture your journey and tell the story that is simply but oh so beautifully - YOU. 

I want to capture everything - this beautiful adventure you're on, this story you are creating together, hand in hand, side by side. Forever. 

The nitty-gritty of Liv.

I’m a mom to two amazing toddlers so trust when I say, I know, how quickly the time goes // I have a degree in archaeology that serves as a great wall decoration and a reminder that stories past + present will always enthral me // I have traveled to over 40 countries - and will never stop being completely awed by what our world offers us // I speak 2 languages and trying teach myself a third // Great company and conversation over breakfast foods will always be my happy place // Thrifting is my meditation // Lattes will forever give me the warm and fuzzies // My top three things all start with P’s: photography, pasta and poutine - food of the gods. 



Taylor + Nick

We had the joy of meeting Liv through her Instagram contest and we couldn’t be more than happy to have meet her! She did our engagement photos and we knew right away she was forever going to be our family photographer. We have taken two family photo shoots with her along with our stunning wedding photos and we couldn’t be more than happy with how amazing the photography she has provided us.

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Edmonton Alberta Destination Wedding Photographer